How Do You Value a Moore Marsden Property?

If you’re facing a dissolution of marriage and seeking a Moore Marsden calculation to calculate how Real Estate will be divided, you will more than likely need several property valuations performed at various dates.

First, we will need the value at the date of marriage. This is important because the spouse that owned the property before the marriage will usually be entitled to 100% of the increase in value from the date of purchase up until the date of marriage.  

Second, we will need to value the property based on the current date. The Community, (you and your spouse together), will receive a pro-tanto interest (a portion of the increase in value based upon the Community’s contribution towards the principal paid towards the original acquisition price) in the increase in value from the date of marriage to the current date.  

You may even need a third valuation, if the property was converted to Community property (or known as a transmutation), at the time of the transmutation. Not to worry though, as your Moore Marsden Expert will let you know if it’s necessary.


So now that you know what valuation dates may be required, how do you go about obtaining a property valuation? One option is to hire a licensed appraiser, though more often than not, they are a costlier choice. Or, you can come to us! While we are not Licensed Appraisers, we are Licensed Brokers. That means that we have the data available to us to provide a Broker Opinion Valuation. The best part about choosing Moore Marsden Experts for your property evaluation is that it’s included in our standard Moore Marsden calculation. Plus, you’ll have an expert you're comfortable and familiar with who can put those valuations into context, making working with the Moore Marsden Experts truly the most seamless, cost effective option. 


Of course, if the Parties disagree with the valuations, they can hire a licensed appraiser and we can adjust our report accordingly.


If you have any questions about valuations of property or any other Moore Marsden issue, contact us! Did you know that in addition to being CPA's, we are also Licensed Real Estate Brokers?

We assume no responsibility for the legal description or matters including legal or title considerations. We assume that all required licenses, certificates of occupancy, consents, or legislative or administrative authority from any local, state or national government, or private entity or organization have been or can be obtained or reviewed for any use on which the opinion contained in this article is based. Although these articles may have been correct at the time of publication, the law may have changed and it is best if you consult with a Moore Marsden Expert before taking this information as fact.


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